Treatments & Fees

Aqua Trainer

Why Aqua Trainer?

The equilibrium of the horse improves as it uses all four legs equally, walking in water compared to when it doesn't walk in water. The water treadmill can be used for injured as well as healthy horses.

Aqua training can be an alternative to regular riding because the horse can build muscles in the back without a the weight of the rider. The horse is relaxed and at the same time the legs are getting a massage, which stimulates the blood flow and is positive for the healing process. Aqua training reduces the load on tendons, ligaments, bones and joints and contributes to better strength and mobility in the back.

What happens during treatment?
The uniqueness about the aqua trainer is that it provides movement training like no other. The horse is forced to walk straight and can not "hide” away one leg, it must lift all four legs properly and equally, which gives an equilibrium that is desirable and sought after. Regardless of where the horse is physically, whether it is in full competition condition or convalescent, all horses have the advantage of walking on the water treadmill thanks to the unique movement training.

The water level can be regulated depending on needs and what you are looking for, - training or rehabilitation.

Treatment time is between 20 or 30 minutes.

The aqua trainer contributes to:

  • Increased balance, which gives a better stride
  • Stronger muscles in the back
  • Better understride
  • Correct posture 
  • Reduced rehabilitation time by up to 60 % according to scientific studies


Why Treadmill?

The advantage of the treadmill is that you can train the horse without the riders weight under controlled conditions. Thus, this is an excellent training tool during rehabilitation.

Exercising your horse on the treadmill gives the possibility to exactly dosage the amount of exercise the horse needs. It is also an excellent complement to the daily training. 

What happens during a training session?
The horse is forced to walk on a straight path. The treadmill can be tilted to increase the workload. The speed is adjusted manually for the best possible effect.

Training on the treadmill contributes:

  • Increased strength and bearing capacity
  • More efficient stride
  • The horse can faster return to normal a training dose

Therapeutic SPA

Why Therapeutic SPA?

Cooling horses legs occurs in a variety of variants, ranging from cold water to clay wraps. Therapeutic Spa provides the most effective form of cooling available today to cool the horse's lower legs.

What happens during treatment
The water containing sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate is cooled to about 4 degrees. It is oxygenated with air bubbles, which gives the tendons and soft parts a gentle massage. Intense cooling of the legs helps the blood vessels to constrict and the cold provides a pain-relieving effect. After the treatment, there is a greatly increased blood flow that clears out slag products and edema. This extreme blood flow initiates the body's own healing process. The treatment time is about 15-20 minutes. The form of treatment is painless.

The treatment has a documented effect on common injuries to the horse's lower legs, such as:

  • Tendon injuries
  • Ligament injuries
  • Wounds & Edema  
  • Pastern dermatitis
  • Bile & Arthritis
  • Sore shins
  • Infections 
  • Hoof wall cracks & Hoof bruising 
  • Thrush & Laminities
  • Muscle rupture

  • Vibrating floor  


    Why Vibrating floor?

    Vibration treatment helps prevent injuries, improve recovery and helps speed up the healing process of existing injuries.

    Vibration floor treatment is recommended by veterinarians worldwide.

    What happens during treatment?
    The vibration gives the horse a complete massage that increases blood circulation and treats the whole body, from the bones all the way to the internal organs.

    Increased blood circulation speeds up the healing process and helps the body to get rid of slag products and lactic acid. The treatment also increases the horse's well-being and is very effective to use during colic attacks.

    Training on the vibrating floor contributes to:

    • Activate and train the muscle fibers
    • Increased blood circulation, reduced lactic acid
    • Accelerated healing of muscle and tendon injuries
    • Provide pain relief in muscles and back
    • Reduced stiffness which prevents injuries

    Why Horse solarium?

    The horse dries faster after a training session and shower and the risk of catching a cold is significantly reduced.

    If the solarium is used before training, the heat helps to get the muscles relaxed and warmed up. The horse usually relaxes during treatment.

    What happens during treatment?
    The heat makes the muscles relax and reduces stress while increasing well-being.

    The blood circulation in the muscles is stimulated by the heat, the blood vessels expand and transport away lactic acid and slag products, which contributes to better and faster recovery.

    Regular usage of the solarium contributes to:

    • Increased well-being
    • Increased blood circulation
    • Faster recovery
    • Improved metabolism, which contributes to the horse's vitality and performance
    • Relief of tension, muscle soreness in the back
    • Prevented vitamin D deficiency in the winter time

    Terms and conditions for accommodating your horse at
    HästRehab by Skönabäck Sweden ➡️


    Full accomodation*                                                                 excl. VAT                     incl. VAT
               Monthly                                                                       11 600 SEK                14 500 SEK  
               Weekly                                                                        3 000 SEK                  3 750 SEK
    Fee per treatment 
               Aqua Trainer                                                                   500 SEK                    625 SEK 
               Therapeutic SPA                                                            500 SEK                     625 SEK  
               Treadmill                                                                         300 SEK                     375 SEK 
               Vibrating floor                                                                 240 SEK                    300 SEK 
               Solarium                                                                          200 SEK                    250 SEK Punch ticket
               10-punches                                                                   4 000 SEK                5 000 SEK  

    *Full accommodation includes full maintenance, feed & haylage, shavings, daily paddock-time, as well as all exercise at the rehab centre according to agreement.    

    Keep in mind that you most likely have Rehab training included in your horses' insurance. Check it up! 

    Possibility of interest-free installment payment through Wasa Kredit.

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